فیض جبرییل دم به دم می دهد به دل صفا
در غدیر خم بشنوید از زبان مصطفی
نغمة محمدی رسد به گوش ما
مدح مرتضی علی بود سروش ما
The Rituals for Eid al-Ghadeer
What is Eid al-Ghadeer?
After completing his last pilgrimage ten years after Hijrah, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a) left Meccah and headed back to Madinah. On his way Gabriel (a.s.) descended upon him and revealed unto him that he must gather all of the pilgrims ahead of him and those behind him at a stream called Ghadeer Khum.
Allah (s.w.t) revealed unto His messenger (s.a.w.a) the following verse:
"O Messenger! Deliver that which has been revealed unto to you from your Lord; and if you do not then you have not delivered His message [at all]; and Allah will protect you from the people ..." (The Holy Qur'an 5:67)
When the pilgrims finally congregated at Ghadeer Khum, the messenger (s.a.w.a) lead them in congregational prayer. When he (s.a.w.a) finished prayer, he stood upon a pulpit made of camel saddles, high enough for all to see. It would be on this day of Ghadeer Khum that he would address a congregation of over 70,000 Muslims (the least of historic accounts) and say:
"It seems the time has approached when I shall be called away [by Allah] and I shall answer that call. I am leaving for you two weighty things, if you adhere to them both, you will never go astray after me: The Book of Allah and my Progeny, that is, my Ahl ul-Bayt. The two shall never separate from each other until they come to me at the fountain of Al-Kawthar [in paradise]..." *
He (s.a.w.a.) continued:
"Who is more priority over the muslims than themselves?"
The People responded:
"Allah and His Messenger."
He asked a second time:
"Who has more priority over the muslims than themselves?"
The people replied:
"Allah and His Messenger."
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked them a third time:
"Who has more priority over the muslims than themselves?"
The people would respond unanimously a third time:
"Allah and His Messenger."
At this point, after asserting that Allah and His messenger have full authority over the Muslims, the Messenger of Allah would assert his Divine authority by announcing to them that 'Ali b. Abi Taleb has been given the same authority over them as Allah and His Messenger. The Prophet is reported by both Shi'a and Sunni** sources to have stated:
"In that case, of whomever I am the master then this 'Ali is his master,..."
He continued to say:
"May Allah lead he who takes him as his leader, and Be the enemy to he who takes him as his enemy and make victorious those who support him and fail those who fail him."
After the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) completed his speech and announcement, Allah revealed unto him:
"Today I have completed for you your religion, completed my blessings upon you and accepted Islam for you as a religion,..." (The Holy Qur'an 5:3)
[*Saheeh Muslim, The chapter of Fadha'el Al-Sahabah in the chapter of Fadha'el 'Ali b. Abi Taleb: h. 6378-6380
The Covenant of Brotherhood
During the annual celebration of Eid al-Ghadeer, it is customary for believers to engage in a "covenant of brotherhood."
They interlock right hands and say the following:
- "I hereby make you my brother/sister for God's sake; I hereby choose you for God's sake; I hereby take your hand for God's sake. And I make a covenant before God, his angels, his scriptures, his messengers, his prophets, and his immaculate imams, that if I am judged to be among the denizens of paradise, worthy of intercession, and am given permission to enter paradise, I shall not enter it unless you are with me."
The other person should then say,
- "I accept your covenant, and I relieve you of all the responsibilities of brotherhood except that you must intercede on my behalf before God, you must pray for me, and you must visit me.
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